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Joint pain may occur due to injuries, conditions like arthritis, wear and tear, or aging. Unfortunately, that pain can be disabling and disruptive to your lifestyle, keeping you from doing the activities you enjoy most. When the cartilage in a joint becomes so damaged that you suffer from severe stiffness, pain, or even immobility, a total joint replacement may be the right option for you.

Total joint replacement, called arthroplasty, involves surgically removing an arthritic or damaged joint and replacing it with an artificial joint called a prosthesis.

At Valley Orthopaedic Specialists (VOS), our Connecticut joint replacement specialists use state-of-the-art, cutting-edge joint replacements that have been designed to allow the new, artificial joint to move like a normal one.

The Surgical Procedure

A total knee joint replacement or a hip replacement involves undergoing a surgical procedure that generally takes several hours and is performed in an outpatient surgery center or hospital. During surgery, the physician removes the damaged cartilage and bone, replacing them with prosthetic components that mimic the movement and shape of a natural joint.

After Surgery

While recovery and rehabilitation post-surgery will vary from person to person, our physicians generally encourage patients to begin using their new joint soon after the operation to speed up recovery. Temporary pain and weakness in the area are normal because the body’s adjusting to the new joint, tissues are healing, and the muscles may be weakened from inactivity.

Because movement is an essential part of your recovery, we also have physical therapists to work with patients who have undergone a total hip replacement, knee replacement, or other total replacement. Specific exercises can help strengthen the joint and the muscles surrounding it, helping to restore movement and get you back to your normal activities more quickly.

Benefits of Total Joint Replacement

Although every patient is different, some of the benefits our patients enjoy with total joint replacement include:

  • Reduced pain. Many patients note that their pain level is significantly better, even right after surgery. In fact, one of the main reasons that patients come to us for a total replacement is because of the chronic pain they’re experiencing.
  • Restoring activity and movement. A hip replacement or total knee joint replacement generally helps patients get back to the hobbies and activities they loved before their joint pain.
  • Safe, cutting-edge options. Joint replacement procedures are more effective and safer than ever before. Although there are always risks with surgical intervention, the advancements to arthroplasty have led to improved results for patients that want to reduce pain and improve function.

We have many Connecticut joint replacement specialists on staff. Our physicians specialize in using the latest techniques, including minimally invasive procedures, custom knee replacement, superior approach hip replacement, and additional innovative procedures designed to speed up recovery and maximize implant function.

With skilled physicians and implementing the latest techniques and technology, we provide the most positive outcome for every patient who visits Valley Orthopaedic Specialists. Our goal is to help patients who receive an arthroplasty achieve maximum pain relief and restored function as quickly as possible.

If you’re experiencing significant joint pain and think you may be a candidate for total joint replacement, contact VOS today to schedule a consultation!